Religion and Culture

Community pharmacy is one of the most multicultural and diverse sectors in the UK. Our colleagues come from different cultures, heritages and religious backgrounds. CCA organisations are proud to champion this diversity across all pharmacy roles, from the dispensary to head offices.

Asda – Improving Religious and Cultural Awareness
Last year Asda designed a Faith Pocket Guide to improve awareness of different faiths. Created to support colleagues, the Guide lists different celebrations and traditions observed by various religious communities across Asda’s diverse workforce. There are key calendar dates, resources and top tips for colleagues to support each other. The Guide also contains a section ‘What Can I Do’, providing practical guidance on supporting colleagues (e.g. planning rotas around religious or cultural events, arranging alcohol-free work socials, or creating suitable quiet spaces for prayer or meditation).

Boots – Ramadan Guide
To foster learning and awareness, the team at Boots created a line manager guide for Ramadan. This guide was well received by teams and ensure that those that observed Ramadan and fasted felt supported.
The Sector and Beyond

Useful Further Reading:
- Lead Pharmacist shares her experiences as a Muslim Woman with the RPS – The Royal Pharmaceutical Society captures Sarah Baig’s experiences of leading a pharmacist team and how her South Asian heritage has helped her in her role. You can read her story and others here.
- How to approach faith with employees – Inclusive Employers have written a useful article on how to navigate conversations around faith and religion in the workplace.