The Company Chemists’ Association (CCA) is a proud partner of NHS England’s (NHSE) Inclusive Pharmacy Practice (IPP) Programme. The IPP’s bulletin focuses on ways to improve the diversity of people in senior pharmacy professional leadership roles.
Superdrug – Senior Leadership Reverse Mentoring
As part of the IPP bulletin, the CCA has highlighted our member Superdrug’s mentorship programme. Superdrug’s ‘Senior Leadership Reverse Mentoring’ programme is designed to help senior leaders understand the diverse lived experiences throughout their organisation. The untraditional approach of mentoring partners a senior executive within the business with a less experienced colleague. The senior professional becomes the mentee.
The ‘reverse mentoring’ programme aims to give an opportunity to senior employees to learn about technologies and workplace trends from their junior mentor. The junior colleague receives first-hand experience of the business through the lens of a senior colleague. It is a win-win opportunity for both senior and junior colleagues.
Watch first-hand the experiences of the senior and junior mentees: