The CCA today (19 June) welcomes the publication of Professor David Wright’s report on pharmacy contractor representation and support. We fully support the purpose of the review, to make recommendations to optimise PSNC and LPC contractor representation, and ensure that the national network structure is working as efficiently for contractors as it can and is fit for the future.
David Wright, Professor of Pharmacy Practice from the School of Pharmacy at the University of East Anglia, led an independent review of the roles and structures underpinning PSNC and the LPCs..
Malcolm Harrison, Chief Executive of the CCA, said: “We would like to thank Professor Wright, his team and all those who contributed to the review process. We are pleased that this report reflects many of the recommendations that the CCA submitted to David’s review team. We fully support the overall focus of the report’s recommendations on improved governance and value for all contractors.
“The scale of the change recommended is considerable and will take time to translate into action. We need to maximise the unique opportunity this report gives the sector and to work together to deliver the changes that will benefit all contractors. Success will mean that all parts of our sector are fairly represented at a local and national level, and the right governance is in place to support the delivery of better value for money for contractors.”