The Company Chemists’ Association (CCA) is supporting an important petition calling for the Government and NHS leaders to act to keep pharmacy staff safe from violence and abuse. Community pharmacies play an integral role in the delivery of primary care and most patients are highly appreciative of the hard work of local pharmacists and pharmacy teams from dispensing medicines and administering vaccines to providing medical advice and health monitoring services. Unfortunately, pharmacy staff experience violence and abuse just for doing their jobs. No healthcare professional should have to deal with this and pharmacy staff should be better protected.
A recent report found that 85% of pharmacists say they, or someone they work with, have experienced verbal or racial abuse while at work. Unfortunately, there are also countless examples of pharmacists experiencing violence at work and as pressures on the NHS grow this is increasing. Pharmacies are an invaluable member of the NHS family and should have access to the same security funds that other important areas of primary care like GPs do.
Please help keep pharmacists and pharmacy teams safe by signing and sharing this petition calling for action. The petition is being supported by the the Company Chemists Association, the Association of Independent Multiple Pharmacies, the National Pharmacy Association, the Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society. As we look towards a better future for pharmacy it is imperative that we keep our pharmacy staff safe in their workplaces.