How we work
The CCA works closely with government and other professional bodies on pharmacy issues, addressing matters affecting our members both nationally and locally.
CCA members care passionately about the future of the community pharmacy network and the positive impact the sector can have on prevention, healthcare and in supporting the NHS. We work together collaboratively to ensure the future vitality and viability of the sector.
The CCA is formally represented on the Community Pharmacy England, Community Pharmacy Scotland and Community Pharmacy Wales, and on statutory local pharmaceutical representative bodies across the United Kingdom.
The CCA hosts several standing working groups, providing specialist forums for representatives with relevant expertise from each of our members. These working groups cover matters such as funding, services and contract development, workforce, professional practice, and local health systems. Each group serves to support the pragmatic and progressive evolution of community pharmacy, and address the priorities of the NHS across England, Scotland, and Wales. Find out more about our joint working.