The CCA attended the two-day annual event – the Pharmacy Show. It was held at the NEC Birmingham on Sunday 15 October and Monday 16 October.
The CCA’s CEO, Malcolm Harrison joined the ‘Supervision in community pharmacy’ panel and participated in a joint session with Gareth Jones, Director of External and Corporate Affairs at the NPA.
Our Head of Policy, Dr Nick Thayer, contributed to ‘The future of pharmacy’ panel, and participated in a joint session with NPA Chair Nick Kaye. Nick also had the opportunity to share his views on ‘Clinical pharmacy practice’.
‘Supervision in community pharmacy’
The panel was moderated by Michael Twigg who is the Chair of the Pharmacy Supervision Practice Group. Malcolm Harrison highlighted the group’s agreement that having a pharmacist physically present in the pharmacy was “an important and undefining element of community pharmacy”. He added “Rather than trying to define what supervision is, the group focused on what supervision could look like.”

Clinical Pharmacy Practice: What comes first, the chicken or the egg?
A session delivered by our Head of Policy Dr Nick Thayer focused on community pharmacies untapped potential.
“To change what pharmacists do, we must have sufficient volume — with volume comes the resource. We need a 4-fold increase in service income.”
Influencing: Getting the public and decision-makers onside

Gareth Jones, Director of External and Corporate Affairs at the NPA and Malcolm Harrison discussed the importance of building meaningful relationships with the intent to understand how these relationships can be kept in the long term.
“Just because we have the relationships we hold, its important we get abreast with the changing landscape. It’s important we identify, arise and scan to point whats important at the right time.”